Gold  $2,379.50  +5.60     Silver  $28.51  +0.14     Platinum  $947.10  -1.10
Michael Scott Gold & Silver
Bullion   Coins   Overstock   Jewelry   Sell   Contact
Michael Scott Gold & Silver offers a safer and smarter way to buy or sell gold coins, silver coins, bullion bars, collectible coins, jewelry and other precious metals.
Free Quotes
Most items can be quoted by phone for convenience and there is no charge for quotes by phone or in person.
Confidential Transactions
All transactions are guaranteed to be 100% confidential. We do not sell or share personal information with third party companies.
Trust & Confidence
We are a U.S. Mint Bullion Coin Seller and an authorized dealer for Dillon Gage, a global leader in precious metals trading since 1976.
Safe & Secure
Our private office suites are completely out of view from the general public for safety and privacy.
Free Consultations
Free consultations are available by phone or in person for buying or selling gold, silver and platinum bullion products.
Product Testing
We offer free product testing services for gold, silver and platinum regardless of where the products were originally purchased.
Exceptional Service
We will take all the time necessary to answer any questions and ensure our customers are completely satisfied.
Central Location
For our local customers in DFW, our offices are conveniently located between Dallas and Fort Worth in Arlington, Texas.
Call 817-617-3011 to learn more.
Michael Scott Gold & Silver  1521 N. Cooper St, Suite 204, Arlington, TX 76011
U.S. Mint Bullion Coin Seller Dillon Gage Authorized Dealer Google Business Reviews